Tag Archives: personal finance

8 Tips to make your financial life better

1. Pay yourself first Paying yourself first means putting yourself and your family before any other demands on your money. Paying yourself first is a form of self-respect. Deposit a set amount EACH AND EVERY MONTH into an investment program, no matter what other financial obligations you have. It’s amazing how fast your money can […]

The Three “Ds” of Investing A good way to keep your focus on your goals is to remember the three “Ds” of investing: Dollar-Cost Averaging, Discipline and Diversification. Dollar-Cost Averaging: Dollar-cost averaging means investing a certain fixed amount each month, regardless of what’s happening in the stock market. This eliminates having to predict when to invest as you will be able to […]

Not valuing your credit

Good credit is a valuable commodity in today’s world. Bad credit, including a bad credit record, late payments, etc., can create a negative financial profile that can surface when you have a legitimate need to borrow.